So there you have it, 21
years of Conventioneering. As a whole I must say the abiding memory of all
these conventions is that however much I enjoyed them there were always probs
with the seating n heating. Oh yes, the seating was rarely comfortable, the
heating was always too high. At most of them the hotel staff thought we were
nuts, the food was dodgy or expensive but we didn’t really care.
All the reviews in this
series have been pretty much left as originally written with the odd polish and
yet I can see an unintentional narrative threading through them. It starts with
my fresh enthusiasm- I was buzzing for days after my first event- through
getting to know the in crowd, through actually being involved in them, to going
back to just being an attendee through gradually realising that I’d seen all
this before. I end up spending the Friday night at one latter event watching a
band in a pub because it’s more interesting. It’s a narrative about getting
older, more cynical perhaps. It’s the same narrative anyone my age might tell
about their interests, their job or even their marriage.