That rumour of a Marvel Doctor Who publication
becomes fact this issue with the news of the new Doctor Who Weekly which for
12p (cheaper than most fanzines!) will give you a professionally produced Doctor
Who fix every seven days. The editor Dez Skinn is adamant it is not a comic
but a magazine including a comic strip. Meanwhile, two of the three Convention
organisers are now leaving meaning that there is no one to organise next years.
In his column JVR talks about the event highlighting a move away from just
guests to showing visual material. “The best part for me,” he writes, “was the
incredible atmosphere during the showing of the old episodes.” He mentions
guests not wanting to repeat themselves by attending every year though he
chooses to mention Jon Pertwee who was of course something of serial repeater
of anecdotes! At the end of his column outlining the latest Ref Dept releases,
J Jeremy Bentham thanks people for their ideas and signs off by adding “part of
that future could depend on reaction to Doctor Who Weekly`…” Watch this space...