April 17, 2024

Merlin Season Two (2009)


(These reviews were written in 2009 and originally published in the print version of This Way Up fanzine)

There’s no question that Merlin, right from the start, was a more sure footed series than either Robin Hood or Primeval. The show seemed to have more concise scripts, was better cast and looked great. What niggled during season one though, was that for all those assets, the storylines seemed repetitive and a little too rigid. The acting, sparky dialogue, excellent cinematography and visual effects towered above the narrative which stopped the show reaching its potential. You could be impressed or amused but rarely dazzled by what you saw. It did improve towards the end but what Merlin needed was not just to be good but to be GREAT.

Season Two is GREAT. In fact, as it progressed it’s got better and better concluding with two astoundingly good episodes that, for the first time, see the show match the charismatic mix of Doctor Who which, let’s face it, is the benchmark for this kind of series. For the first time, the viewer becomes emotionally involved as we see the early simmering of the Arthur and Gwen story, Merlin’s position coming under greater threat and the dragon getting more fractious. The improved scripts still deliver the thrills and spills but they are surpassed by the tone of each episode. There’s some broad comedy, particularly evident in the relaxed friendship between Arthur and Merlin, there’s a much greater sense of danger from the villains and the plots are more varied. Each of the cast is given more as we discover more about each of them so that when the last two episodes cut loose, it doesn’t feel like some crazy sensationalist finale but genuine developments that we can relate to.

April 07, 2024

Merlin Season One (2008)


I’ve been rewatching Merlin because I happened to catch an episode when I was away and realised how much I’d enjoyed the series. So I thought I’d rewatch it. I’d already reviewed it at the time it was on from 2008- 13 and those reviews on seasons three to five are on the main blog if you looked back to the earlier years. The reviews of seasons one and two originally appeared in the print versions of This Way Up so I thought I’d put them on here. These are vintage reviews that I’ve not re-edited and written without the foreknowledge of later series and as they were printed rather than posted tend to be quite lengthy. I feel I was a bit harsh on season one though. Season 2 to follow shortly.

Merlin was always more interesting than Arthur as a mythological character and yet we didn’t know a lot about him. In various interpretations of the Arthurian legend, Merlin was always a mercurially mysterious talisman of Camelot with little tangible back story. A difficult subject for his own series you’d think, especially one of the newly re-forged Saturday teatime slot. As it turns out, all the potential is there simply because we’re much m ore familiar with the story of Arthur than of Merlin so by taking the Smallville route of intercepting our character before he’s even fully grown up we can find out what makes him tick.