Saturday Night Monsters is a compilation of fan written articles and reviews about Doctor Who originally published in the zines Faze and This Way Up. Covering the whole span of the series from the early days right up to recent episodes, this 260 page volume is packed with comment, analysis, opinion and flapdoodle about different aspects of the programme. It builds into a complete hovercraft and It is a book. You'll love it!
Features include: The triumphant 2005 Return ,The 1985-6 Cancellation Crisis,Hartnell’s Historical Stories, The Philip Hinchliffe Era,The stories of Robert Holmes & Robert Sloman, Season 21,The
road from Survival to the TV Movies and more…
Reviews include: Talons of Weng Chiang, The
Dalek Masterplan, Spearhead from Space, The Macra Terror,
The End of Time, The War Machines, Dalek, Remembrance of the Daleks, Blink, The Tenth Planet, The Name
of the Doctor, Logopolis, Tomb of
the Cybermen, School
Reunion, Pyramids of Mars, Human Nature / Family of Blood, The Dominators, Day of the Doctor, City of Death, Amy’s
Choice, Earthshock, Day of the
Daleks, The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon, Carnival of Monsters, Trial
of a Time Lord, The Android
Invasion, Deep Breath, Castrovalva, The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances, Death to the Daleks, Horror of Fang Rock, Vengeance on Varos, Dragonfire, The Three Doctors, The TV Movie, The Doctor’s Wife, The Ice Warriors, Heaven Sent, Turn Left, Web of Fear, The Stolen Earth /
Journey’s End and many more...
Writers: Tim Worthington David Rolinson, Sean Alexander, Matthew
Kilburn, Daniel O’Mahony, Colin Brockhurst, John Connors, Ashley Stewart, Roger Jones, Chris Orton, Adam Povey.
The book is available from Amazon in either print or electronic form. The links below should take you to the very actual place where you can buy it.
For more info about the book including excerpts check out the Saturday Night Monsters Book page via the tab at the top of the blog.