years from 1981 to 2002 I attended dozens of Doctor Who conventions and events reviewing many of them at the time for
various print fanzines. In this series of posts I’m reproducing some of those reviews
which hopefully capture the spirit and flavour of what conventions and also
smaller events were like. They remain largely unedited except for anything
completely embarrassing! These are very much personal opinions of the events,
what I saw and the people I shared them with. We start at the beginning (for me) with PanoptiCon 4 held at Queen Mary College
in London in August 1981.
(Originally published in 1981 in
`Steel Sky`)

This was
my first convention and my companions through the labyrinthine corridors of
our beloved capital were Mark Crowder, (who luckiIy knew the place fairly well) and Ian Mackenzie, (hot on ideas, but not on
how to get there). Still we managed to find our way onto the Tube and finally
arrived at the accommodation centre. Our sense of anticipation was soon
replaced by boredom was we watched Ian McLachlan bravely try to sort out
someone else’s mistakes with the room listings as familiar figures milled
about, everyone trying to pretend they had nothing to do with a Doctor Who
convention. Over in the pub opposite a small band of people clustered around
tables; Martin Wiggins tried telling everyone how good `Savage` was and,
failing this, vanished into the raining darkness. Not an auspicious start.
morning- wet and grey and that was only our breakfast. Ian and I made our way
to the station after failing miserably to extract any information from David
Stead as to forthcoming events. In the tube, off the tube. A long walk through
puddles to a small wormhole in London’s splendour – Queen Mary College. No sign
of Queen Mary, only a long queue and plenty of umbrellas. Inside,
it buzzed. Human ants in a concrete anthill. Executives dashed about dutifully
keeping in touch via snazzy little pocket intercoms. It was a weird venue
really. We sat about the length of the Lyceum away from the stage, while the
stalls held the fanzine sale and a video camera , which filmed the whole
procedure and relayed the action to half a dozen TV sets up in the gallery. Paul Tarns spent roost of the
morning moving people from the live wires in the front row and Mark Woodward
made a classic entrance - in dark
glasses, would you believe. Philip Ince, on the other hand, opted for a shirt
which doubled as an incredibly long apron and wore no shoes! Mark Sinclair
co-hosted the events with Janie Goddard, although nasty rumours suggested that
David Howe was a little miffed about this as he had been slated to do the job.
Sinclair was entertaining and as befits the head of the DWAS Drama department
made all his announcements as if it were a talent show in Blackpool, starting in
a deep, sombre voice as if he was to announce the deaths of all the guests
simultaneously on the way to the venue then built up to a Shakespearian
We all knew by then that the
planned screening of `The Dead Planet` was to be a “we regret to announce”
scenario but few could have guessed it’s replacement would be the Dr Who and the Daleks film, a rather dangerous move by the
organiser after the incomprehensible slide show. However things hotted up
through the humour of Peter Howell and Dick Mills and the first appearance at a
DWAS event of original producer Verity Lambert, perhaps the most successful
woman in television. They then retired for a lengthy autograph session; you
should have seen the length of the queue. Once done it was back to the zine
sale which saw quite a plethora, (John Fencher's favourite word) of titles on
sale. The last ever `Gallifrey` (sob), the regenerated `Colony In Space`
(hurrah) and the aspiring `Steel Sky` while Andrew Byford tried to deny all
connections with a zine called `The Space Museum`. Oh yes the Wiggins /
Gallagher circus set up too and I even saw William Gallagher smile. Yes, I
The afternoon brought us three of the best loved characters from the Pertwee period namely Nicholas Courtney, Richard Franklin and John Levene. The chemistry that prevailed in the 70' s was still there and they spoke with fondness about their time with the show. They,too, took part in a lengthy autograph session and John Levene expressed concern about the Liverpool riots, (my home you see) while Richard Franklin and I had a short caht about his work in our local Playhouse Theatre.
The afternoon brought us three of the best loved characters from the Pertwee period namely Nicholas Courtney, Richard Franklin and John Levene. The chemistry that prevailed in the 70' s was still there and they spoke with fondness about their time with the show. They,too, took part in a lengthy autograph session and John Levene expressed concern about the Liverpool riots, (my home you see) while Richard Franklin and I had a short caht about his work in our local Playhouse Theatre.
Unfortunately I missed Terrance Dicks and half of Robert Holmes while queuing
for the UNIT autographs. The queues were really a problem though full marks to
the stewards for handling it well with the minimum of hassle. The best part of
the day had to be when, following the introduction of Heather Hartnell, we saw
the BFI clip of `Worlds End` which I had not seen and which was very powerful
to watch. Saturday night was billed as a disco but that title
was quickly and wisely
dropped for buffet, when it became apparent that there was hardly enough room
to swing a giant maggot. The room divided into small groups, who each did their
best to pretend the others weren't there. Sandwiches were in abundance and
eventually a record player arrived. Despite rumours that Matthew Waterhouse was
to DJ, it was a rather tipsy Andrew Zeus to whom the honours fell. Actually,
the rumours about Matthew Waterhouse began when he was driven into the
accommodation centre, earlier hiding in the back seat of a car. We thought he had been kidnapped. We took residence
by the speakers and controlled the flow of music emanating from them by
bombarding poor Andrew with requests as most of the other people there did not
seem especially interested in music. Russell Stone did his Davros impression
and Mark and I played the drums, (well, not quite), while Stephen Crooks,
(yes, your humble editor – I bet he edits this) looked as if he wanted to get
out quick. Andrew Byford and Paul Hickling tried to bring sanity to the
evening, a move firmly squashed when, from behind us, the shrill tones of David
Howe singing `Vienna` emerged. Martin Waites decided to it would be a nice idea
to pretend he knew the plot to `Castrovalva` (most of us are still trying to
spell it!) and Kevin Davies left early. Mark Sinclair had `Flash` put on the
turntable while Matthew Waterhouse turned up and left two seconds later. Andrew
Zeus finally had one to many and was unable to operate the equipment.
Sunday crawled through the door and we trundled off to
the college again. Paul Zeus could constantly be seen dashing from one room to
the next. Frazer Hines was the first guest however was unable to stay for
autographs. Following that, Mat Irvine showed us in graphic and painfully slow
detail how he blew up the gateway in `Warriors Gate` and had K9 menacing Mark Sinclair. During another infamous
break, a host of monsters paraded downstairs and we did our best to stand
behind them so we could be in everyone's photos. Matthew Waterhouse blew his
cover and sat behind one of the fanzine tables deep in discussion with Chris
Dunk. The Fanzine Awards were then presented to a deserving Geraint Jones and
Tim Dollin of `Gallifrey.`
In the afternoon came a most welcome video item, thanks
to John Nathan-Turner and the BBC, clips from every Tom Baker story as a tribute to the
fourth Doctor. An excellent set of clips that brought back many memories for all of us. Then, well hold
your breath and count them: John Nathan – Turner, (with good news about the
repeats), Janet Fielding, Andrew Smith, Eric Saward, Peter Grimwade, Angela
Smitn, Jane Judge, Chris Bidmead, Sarah Sutton (who received loud applause even
before her name was said) and Matthew Waterhouse. Christopher Bidmead collected
the Season Poll award. Chris Dunk handled all these interviews with
Parkinson-like ease, while earlier both Gary Russell and Ian McLachlan
had done equally well.It was here that Mark Sinclair
was seemingly winding the event up when the doors of the on stage TARDIS opened
and out stepped Anthony Ainley to be greeted by an ovation that lasted several
minutes. He walked to the centre of the stage
and gave a regal bow. He sat down and inquired about the Test Score. Throughout the whole interview (conducted by Mark
Sinclair) applause followed very answer and his charisma held the audience’s
attentions. Well, who cared that there was a one and a half wait for
autographs. All were amicable signees and I was so overwhelmed I forgot who
Eric Saward was!
So that was that. After a trip back to the centre and a
quick pint with the some of the mob from Sheffield, Mark and I made our way
back to Euston. At Tottenham Court Road who should we bump into but Andrew
Smith whom we spent over an hour talking to. Our train home was a 1.05 am and
arrived in Liverpool at 4.30 in the morning. Took a week to recover. 

However it was all worth it. I’ll be there next year and
I’d like to thank all concerned for a great weekend. Thanks also to all those
Liverpool and Sheffield people who kept me company and to David Stead, Andrew
Byford, David Howe, Andrew Zeus, Andrew Smith and Mark Crowder. See you in ’82.
Xtra! PanoptiCon 4 on
Summarised from the
DWAS 1982 Yearbook review written by Pam Baddeley of the events on stage…
Show – Slides were shown in chronological order with an often humorous musical
Dick Mills & Peter Howell – Demonstrating the effectiveness of incidental music by using a scene from `Meglos` when Meglos shows Caris the shrunken Dodecahedron, maybe not the most dramatic moment in the series’ history but showing just how the incidental music plays its part. Doctor Who and the Daleks movie screening part 1.Verity Lambert – She seemed to have retained vivid memories of her time with the show some 18 years earlier.
Nicholas Courtney / Richard Franklin / John Levene - interviewed separately and then on stage together. NC talked about his radio work and also that he would have liked a better departure from the show than he had. RF focussed on his theatre work. JL talked about having left the acting profession and his then current career in commercial graphics and also referenced his conversion to Christianity. All three talked fondly of `The Daemons` in particular and the `UNIT family`. Peter Howell- talking this time about the show’s latest version of the theme music. He explained how each element of the music had been assembled, this was fairly technical and left some of the audience somewhat behind.
Dick Mills & Peter Howell – Demonstrating the effectiveness of incidental music by using a scene from `Meglos` when Meglos shows Caris the shrunken Dodecahedron, maybe not the most dramatic moment in the series’ history but showing just how the incidental music plays its part. Doctor Who and the Daleks movie screening part 1.Verity Lambert – She seemed to have retained vivid memories of her time with the show some 18 years earlier.
Nicholas Courtney / Richard Franklin / John Levene - interviewed separately and then on stage together. NC talked about his radio work and also that he would have liked a better departure from the show than he had. RF focussed on his theatre work. JL talked about having left the acting profession and his then current career in commercial graphics and also referenced his conversion to Christianity. All three talked fondly of `The Daemons` in particular and the `UNIT family`. Peter Howell- talking this time about the show’s latest version of the theme music. He explained how each element of the music had been assembled, this was fairly technical and left some of the audience somewhat behind.
clip of `The Dalek Invasion of Earth`. Introduction
of Heather Hartnell who received warm applause. Terrance
Dicks / Robert Holmes – TD talked about the novelisation he was working on at
that time as well as how his script for the cancelled `Vampire Mutations` ended
up as `State of Decay`. RH mentioned that books were not his field after he had
tried but failed to write one of the Target novelisations.
Hines – told several amusing anecdotes including various practical jokes the
cast had played on each other. Roger
Limb – discussed his incidental score for `Keeper of Traken`. Mat
Irvine – talked about remote controlled models in particular K9 who himself
trundled on stage as well. He also talked through the explosion of the gateway
in `Warrior’s Gate. Monster
costumes- made by Toby Chamberlain. Doctor
Who and the Daleks movie screening part 2
stars and production team – John Nathan Turner announced details of the repeats
to be included in the forthcoming `Five Faces of Doctor Who` season and also
details of K9 and Company. He also denied any old monsters were returning to
the show (!). Eric Saward talked about `Black Orchid` Sarah Sutton, Janet
Fielding and Matthew Waterhouse appeared as did Christopher Bidmead, Peter
Grimwade, Andrew Smith, Jane Judge and Angela Smith.
Awards – Christopher Bidmead for `Logopolis` winning the season poll, Geraint Jones and Tim Dollin for `Gallifrey` winning the Fanzine poll. Anthony Ainley – Cricket and smiling! Huge hit with the audience.
Full Convention booklet -
Awards – Christopher Bidmead for `Logopolis` winning the season poll, Geraint Jones and Tim Dollin for `Gallifrey` winning the Fanzine poll. Anthony Ainley – Cricket and smiling! Huge hit with the audience.
Full Convention booklet -
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